Exciting new developments

PluralHub LLC, worked extensively on the healthcare Integration services over years. With our latest IoT partnerships and participation from healthcare leadership with our initiatives, PH 2.0 ( Plural Hub LLC  with new vision)  will be servicing our clients with “fewer and deeper” services.

IoT initiative

In the coming days, Vanadium Metals Inc. and Plural Hub LLC will work closely in delivering innovative IoT solutions to help out communities where there is a huge need for solar powered electricity generation, monitoring and producing clean water. We are assuming a big need for this product line across the world. More articles and white papers will be published. Stay tuned!

Healthcare It Advisory

PH 2.0, has the acquired the ability to provide advisory guidance to Healthcare leadership in multiple business functions in large and small healthcare organizations.  A hint of the upcoming services is published, for your preview. In the coming days, more to come in the near future.

Extended Technology Services

We will continue to support our implementation and integration services.  In fact, we are adding Innovation, Business Analytics and products to complement the existing work. Check out our extended offerings.

Articles and Publications

“One article a month”  is our goal. It encourages our teams to research and prototype technology frameworks on a timely basis to write articles and white papers. Check out book on Microsoft BizTalk 2013.